Honor rating mount and blade warband
Honor rating mount and blade warband

The individual companion characters, on the other hand, are an essential part of your force so seek them out. Training up raw recruits is much cheaper than hiring the finished article in a tavern so avoid the groups of mercenaries.

honor rating mount and blade warband

Your main focus should be to build up your character and your party. As well as upgrading your own armour and weapons make sure you remember to kit out your companions. As you get tougher and start to make some money you can upgrade your gear.

honor rating mount and blade warband

You can also build up some skills and make a little cash by fighting in the arenas in the cities. You should also attack small groups of bandits. This is a good gentle introduction and for the early part of the game you should take on missions for city guilds and lords to build up some cash and experience. In Warband you are given a mission to help you get started. In Warband there is an all new political system which allows you to engage in political intrigue, build up your right to rule, marry, create vassals and persuade lords to defect. You can now carve out your own kingdom and make your companions into vassals by granting them lands. Now it is time to turn our eyes towards the throne. So far we have looked at the multiplayer side of the game and discussed weaponry, armour and horses.

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  • Unlike Controversy, honor will not change due to the passing of time.

    honor rating mount and blade warband

    Low honor can result in a bounty being placed on your head or a war being declared on your faction. In Warband some lords will like you for having positive or negative honor every 3 points in honor will increase or reduce your relation score by 1 (although the latter has small effect due to negative relationship repairing over time). A high honor can increase the likelihood of a mercenary accepting an offer, or of you being elected as marshall.

    honor rating mount and blade warband

    Honor affects your interactions with other lords and causes certain events. Your character's honor starts at 0, and can range from -99 to +99 (except in Warband where the range is greater). Honor acts like karma in Calradia virtuous deeds increase your honor whilst unethical deeds decrease it, resulting in correspondingly positive or negative consequences.

    Honor rating mount and blade warband