I've had some crashing when doing something different. This only occurs if you have windows update KB 3072630 and then perform an service pack upgrade or new installation of SOLIDWORKS. Check to make sure your system has the most recent updates and recommended requirements for optimal product usage. I was using Solidworks yesterday and when I finished I noticed that there was a Windows update available so I updated. By exception, SOLIDWORKS 2018-2020 support is extending into Microsoft’s Extended Support period, which ends on January 14, 2020. 01/ How to disable the annoying Resource Monitor Pop-up 3. What version of Windows * are you using? We use Windows 10 Enterprise version 1809 (Build OS: 17763. Good luck.The drive would only disconnect for a moment and then everything would be okay once more. But thats just my opinion, and most companies want to go with the bare minimum. So I would choose 8 core cpu, 2gig graphics card, and 8 to 16 ram. Sometimes I even open NX6 just for fun, while everything else is also open. Currently, I am running NX4, Vericut, outlook, two explorer windows are open, and I'm typing this.

And I cannot remember a time when the only thing I had open was UG. I believe this has to do with the fact that UG puts out the graphical information in a windows format, and that has to be translated to a Mac format of some sort before it gets to the monitor. The is an extra step between the information leaving UG and the graphics card puting it on the screen.

The only thing that will be different from a windows version, will be how graphics are handled. From what UG support told me, it will run fine. How does NX perform on Mac? Not sure, we have yet to purchase the new computers. Every release so far after NX6 has a Mac install available. UG started having compatibility with Mac with NX6. Just to share some knowledge from talking with UG support about the MAC setup.